Saturday, September 13, 2008

Assess yourself how good driver you are?

You are trying to turn on a red light and there is a bicyclist ahead of you and to your right. Would you:
a) wait patiently until the light turns green so that the bicyclist can go?
b) tap on your window, smile and use eye contact and gestures to ask if he could pull back and let you by?
c) honk your horn lightly?
d) roll down the window and yell at him to move?

You are in a busy parking lot. It has taken you five minutes to get three rows ahead. As you turn down a lane, you notice an elderly woman starting to back you of her parking stall. There is someone approaching the stall from the other end of the lane. Would you:

a) slow down to let the woman back out and the other person drive in?
b) keep approaching the parking stall slowly and hope that you make it in time?
c) speed up a bit, hoping that you might beat the other driver to the spot?
d) press the accelerator and put your effort into beating the other driver?

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