Tuesday, August 5, 2008

IPS Strength loosing by day

Its a heartening situation and more of a pathetic situation for the IPS members because much of its previous members (and the most active ones are leaving town in succession) and the only untarnished king, named RB has to continue the legacy that the golden group once had cherished and relished.

IPS - INOX Pathu-rooba Sangam, a literal translation in english would be demeaning to the very idea of IPS, yet this is somewhat modified and cencored version. IPS - INOX Persistently-visiting Sect, as we will call henceforth is the fraternity of young men from Chennai who sacrifice their sleep in the early hours of the warm and peaceful morning (even on sundays damn it!!!) and stand in the queue to get the first show ticket for all the latest movies released.

If not all, some of them can be listed downline, Dasavatharam, Prince Caspian, Speed Racer, Ocean's 13, and recently Kuselan. Because of their hard work its not just first day first show, but also first row. Yeah its a great feeling to watch the movie Dasa so close (first row) before half of the Chennai wakes up and tell the tale!!

The grand break-up which IPS is facing now is because of the fact that most of its members are leaving the hometown and going abroad for higher studies, and already 2 of its memebers have found themselves crossing the Atlantic by now. The remaining ppl are soon to leave Chennai in search of UBC, UTD, SUNY-B and of course Infy.

I hope one day the IPS gets back on their feet and kick some movie screens...

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